Tuesday, October 26, 2010

"Extreme Gardening"

Daikon seedlings

"Extreme Gardening!" was what my next door neighbor said to me when he saw me digging soil and pulling weeds in the dark. Well, at least I am not doing it in down pour rain. Now that would be a real challenge.

Before I left for New York last month, I started some daikon and green onion seeds in the campus greenhouse. I brought them back on Sunday but haven't had much daylight hours to plant them in the veggie beds. As it was getting dark tonight, I hurriedly pulled out partially dried up tomato plants and filled the bed with compost from El Cerrito Recycling Center.  I planted just a few daikon seedlings on one side of the bed before it became completely dark out, and I was finally overcame with hunger.

Green onion seedlings
I have also planted a  bunch of green onion seedlings in the potato and onion bed.  I dug up some potatoes and onions to make room for the green onions. Since they came right out of the veggie patch, they were covered with my primo soil. I wouldn't want to rinse the soil down the kitchen drain, so I washed all fresh produce outside in a bucket then poured the water right back into the veggie beds or potted herbs.

The rain is supposed to start again on Thursday afternoon through the weekend. It looks like tomorrow night is another "extreme gardening" night.

rising some freshly picked veggies - both potatoes and onions do grow underground

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